Soul Retrieval
Talk Therapy Only Goes So Far™
Talk therapy and traditional counseling are great, and I do them also, but they just go so far. My clients often say when they first start working with me something like: “I have had over a year of counseling. It helped, but I don’t feel healed. I didn’t get what I needed.”
When there has been deep trauma, we often have subconscious beliefs and judgments about ourselves, others, and life. This can lead to repeating the same patterns over and over, in relationships, and other areas of life. We can feel powerless to break the same patterns happening again and again.
I have found that soul retrieval is a part of what may bring more complete healing.
Soul retrieval has been practiced in some form for thousands of years. It is part of shamanic healing.
My approach to soul retrieval is somewhat different from other practitioners. It includes:
- Integrating it with life coaching, and often Reiki, to help you heal and clear patterns.
- Shamanic journeys on my part, to find the part of your energy (soul) that has been lost from the trauma.
- If the soul part is not ready to come back yet, I work with you to do more healing and clearing work. This usually does not take a long time.
- I help the soul part to come back to you, according to your highest good and the best timing.
- I help you to integrate your soul part and energy back into your life and consciousness.
What are the Benefits of Soul Retrieval?
You may feel, as many of my clients have:
- More present in your body.
- More grounded.
- More joyful, light, and happy.
- More complete.
- Your unhealthy, subconscious patterns or blocks can decrease in energy, and may disappear entirely.
Soul retrieval can be done as part of distance (Zoom) sessions, or in person appointments.
I am a certified shamanic practitioner, and am also engaged in ongoing study, as I practice this type of healing.