Trauma and Soul Loss
Trauma Can Cause Loss, Soul Retrieval Can Help
It is said that when we experience trauma, a piece of our soul is lost.
It actually is said to leave as a defense mechanism, because the effect of the trauma is so strong, it can’t stay. This happens when we experience any type of trauma:
- Physical trauma, like a car accident, disease, or surgery
- Emotional trauma, like the death of a close loved one or relative
- Any abuse that causes trauma: emotional, physical or sexual
Other types of trauma, like a natural disaster, or war
Deep forms of trauma, like childhood sexual abuse, or physical and/or emotional abuse are almost guaranteed to cause some amount of soul loss.
You may have been suffering for a long time, or you may not be able to remember part of your past. Sometimes, trauma is stored in our bodies, and manifests in physical illness or symptoms, while you don’t consciously know why. You may have depression or anxiety, and not be able to pinpoint the cause.
If you have ever said, “I have not been the same since. . .“ then you might be experiencing soul loss.
Soul Loss happens when a piece of our energy, our essence, or our soul, splits off, or leaves us. It actually is said to leave as a defense mechanism, because the effect of the what we have gone through is so strong, it can’t stay. This can happen when we experience any type of trauma. You may have been suffering for a long time, or you may not be able to remember part of your past.
Sometimes, trauma is stored in our bodies, and manifests in physical illness or symptoms, while you don’t consciously know why. You may have depression or anxiety, and not be able to pinpoint the cause. This also could be due to soul loss.
Soul retrieval is the shamanic healing method practiced for thousands of years to treat soul loss, no matter the cause.