Cord Cutting Ritual
When we have been in a close relationship, there are connections, like cords of energy that are formed between us and others. This can include family, friends, and, especially lovers/spouses. This is especially true of those that we have had sex with, whether “casual” or a long-term relationship, or not.
We also have energy cords or bonds that have formed between us and other members of our family, and close friends.
There are times that we need to cut those connections, when the relationship ends, or is no longer healthy.
Thia could be:
- When we are going through a separation or divorce, or the ending of a relationship in general.
- When there is the possibility that someone may have been an “energy vampire,” and may still be connected to us energetically.
- When there have been unhealthy connections between us and someone who has passed away.
- Other situations where we need a “clean break.”
I use a shamanic cord cutting ritual to cut the cords, and restore your energy and light body after the disconnection.
We send light and healing energy to the person that we are severing the connections with.
After a cord cutting ritual, my clients often:
Feel more “themselves.”
Feel more energized and vital.
Less drained.
Do not feel as heavy or depressed.