The world seems to be upside down right now. Everything is in a state of flux. Shamanism would call this a “dismemberment,” when the existing structures are pulled apart.  All things die, decompose, and are reborn from the remains (fertilizer).  This seems to be what is happening now with many things.

Political systems, our economic structures and processes, and even our relationships, are in a state of flux, or dismemberment, in some cases. 

We have lost a lot of what previous, indigenous cultures and spiritual paths had to offer.  As our technology and physical capabilities have grown, and indigenous cultures and their teachings have been eradicated, we have lost our healthy connection with the Earth, and with Spirit within.  

It is time to ask Spirit for help. 

And, now is also the time to decide what we want, and to start putting energy out to create what we want, in the midst of the change.  How can we start creating something new – “dreaming the world into being” (another shamanic principle)?  

Today, we either heal our culture, and heal our relationship with the Earth, or we die! The present path with the Earth and the environment is not sustainable. 

This also means healing our own spiritual path and looking for our connection with Spirit within, instead of looking for spiritual forces that are external to us.  As a shamanic practitioner and counselor, I work a lot with healing the Inner Child, and Soul Retrieval for my clients.  Yet another big part of healing our relationship with the Earth, and creating a new world is to restore everyone’s Inner Mystic. 

It means listening within for Spirit and Nature to teach us, instead of always looking to other people and books to guide us.  Yes, there are principles we can learn from books and other people, and we should learn from them, but they should never supersede our own connection with Spirit, and take the focus away from our connection with Spirit within.

What principles can we use to create a world that we want, even if it’s on a smaller, individual, and more local scale for now?  What do we want to create for ourselves, our families, and our world?

I feel that Spirit has given us principles that we can use to begin to create a better world, rather than feeling powerless in this one.  

Read more here on the New Horizons website to learn more about these principles.